holographic transparent led
window transparent led display

Invisible Transparent LED Display: The Future of Visual Technology

Have you ever imagined watching a movie or a video on a screen that is completely transparent, without any frames or borders, and that can create stunning 3D effects without the need for glasses? If you think this is science fiction, think again. Holographic transparent LED display is a revolutionary technology that can turn any glass surface into a dynamic, see-through screen that can display high-definition, high-brightness, and high-transparency images and videos

Holographic LED screen is a transparent and flexible display technology. It has the following features:

  • Light and thin: The screen is less than 2mm thick and weighs only 6kg per square meter. It can be attached to any glass surface with a special adhesive that has a strong bonding force.
  • Bendable and cuttable: The screen can be shaped to fit any curved or irregular glass surface. It can also be cut to any size or shape according to the needs of the user.
  • Highly transparent: The screen has no structure or keel frame, which makes it almost invisible when the light is off. It has a high transparency rate, which can reach up to 90% for the M6 product with P6.25 pixel pitch, and 80% for the M3 product with P3.91 pixel pitch.
  • High quality: The screen uses self-developed ICs to control each pixel, which ensures high brightness, high contrast, and high color gamut. It can display clear and vivid images and videos even in bright daylight or dark night.

Holographic window transparent led screen Applications


  • Museums and galleries: Transparent LED displays can be used to provide exhibits and pass information about culture, history, tradition, and artistic objects. They can also create immersive and interactive experiences for the visitors.
  • Public spaces: Transparent LED displays can be used to display public announcements, news, weather, traffic, and other useful information. They can also enhance the aesthetic appeal and attractiveness of the environment.
  • Restaurants and bars: Transparent LED displays can be used to showcase menus, promotions, special offers, and entertainment. They can also create a lively and dynamic atmosphere for the customers.
  • Commercial buildings: Transparent LED displays can be used to display corporate logos, brand images, product features, and advertisements. They can also improve the visibility and recognition of the businesses.
  • Outdoor advertising: Transparent LED displays can be used to create large and eye-catching digital signage that can attract potential customers and generate revenue. They can also display dynamic and real-time content that can adapt to different situations and audiences.

85% High Transparency

one-stop professional glasses-free 3D display solution including LED walls and 3D broadcasting content customization. 

High Resolution

Explore our high-resolution transparent LED displays, offering stunning hologram effects with high transparency and clarity. Available in P1.9mm, P3.125mm, and P3.91mm options, perfect for creating captivating visual experiences.

high resolution hologram transparent led display p1.9 p3.125 p3.91
high transparency led screen

Transparent and excellent Image quality

  • Equally spaced pixel laayout for high-definition image quality;
  • Static scanning with combined diver board for table images;
  • 16bit gray scale ith exquisite colors.

Adhesive Installation

LED modular and can be directly attached to the front or back side of transparent glasss wwithout damaging the original structure of the building or affecting indoor lighting.

adhisive window transparent led screen
flexible transparent led display

Fitting in with Flats and Curves

Transparent LED film supports curvatures up to 2,000R convex and concave for curved glass or window applications, and offers even surface by durable, transparent layers. This allows a wide range of venues to be redesigned with the LAT series as a landmark.


Standar module can be bent and cut with flexible and skillful applications. It is the best partner of curved glass and irregular screens.

LED modular and can be directly attached to the front or back side of transparent glasss wwithout damaging the original structure of the building or affecting indoor lighting.

Flexible size editable transparent display
window Transparent led screen

Transparent and invisible

  • The whole screen is transparent without frame;
  • It is seamlessly spliced in a large area;
  • The back side is invisible without floodlight.

Portbale Table Sign

Discover our portable transparent LED sign, perfect for both indoor and outdoor use. Battery-powered with high resolution, it’s ideal for conference tables and human-carried advertising at events. Its elegant design seamlessly blends with luxury product displays and museum showcases, enhancing any setting with style and sophistication. 

transparent led table sign for conference

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transparent hologram table sign specification

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