Factory Supplier Background Check
Are you sure your potential supplier is who they say they are? Visionpi does the due diligence to uncover the truth with a comprehensive background check. We‘ve all heard horror stories about ‘scammers’ posing as factories who take your money and disappear! This very real risk is heavy on a buyer’s mind when they‘re considering a potential supplier, especially for led display industry, hundreds of small factories bankrupted every year which is why Visionpi offers a supplier background check to vet potential suppliers for you. Our focus is on assuring that your supplier is legitimate (no scams), has their story straight, is offering competitive pricing, and is, more generally, a good match for your business. If you are afraid of being scammed or working with a middleman posing as a manufacturer, Visionpi’s supplier background check will flag suspicious signs and advise on how to dig deeper.
What is a supplier background check or ‘due diligence?‘
Visionpi’s supply chain specialist performs a thorough investigation to uncover the truth about a potential supplier, covertly interviewing them, fact-checking, and confirming that they’re a legitimate manufacturer who is capable of producing your order. It takes 5 working days to compile the report.
Why choose to perform background checks? Any importers who are afraid that their potential suppliers may misrepresent information about their company (including scammers, but also simply ‘creative sales people’) need to conduct supplier due diligence before agreeing to work with a new supplier.
What type of factory should this type of due diligence be performed on?
All potential suppliers’ factories of any size, prior to deciding to spend much time on boarding them and on developing products with them. When to perform these background checks? Usually, the best time to carry out any due diligence is after sending out Request for Quotation (RFQ) information, but before any samples are requested and orders are placed.