Fornecedores de telas LED

Os 5 principais fornecedores de telas LED no Brasil 

Para dar ao seu negócio (de qualquer natureza) a atenção de que ele precisa, os monitores LED são, sem dúvida, um dos investimentos mais inteligentes que alguém pode fazer em seu negócio. Mas antes que sua empresa se fixe em uma tela LED, não é apenas importante, mas útil, restringir todas as opções que você tem. Dessa forma, você pode, em última análise, tomar a decisão certa, considerando os fatores para seu investimento em monitor de LED, sem ter que se arrepender de suas decisões mais tarde.

Para lhe dar um breve resumo, LED é um acrônimo para Light Emitting Diode. Um diodo emissor de luz é uma fonte de luz que produz fótons por meio do movimento dos elétrons, que se reorganizam com buracos de elétrons sempre que uma corrente elétrica passa por um material semicondutor que consiste em um tipo específico de junção p-n. A tela LED ou LCD ganhou popularidade em massa nos últimos anos por causa de sua capacidade de baixo consumo de energia, longevidade, bem como outras razões que a tornam tão conveniente de usar.

Para as empresas sediadas no Brasil, há, sem dúvida, uma infinidade de fornecedores brasileiros de painéis de LED no mercado. Com isso dito, aqui está uma lista dos melhores e mais proeminentes entre eles para tornar as coisas mais fáceis:


Fundada no ano de 1993, a Eletromidia é uma das maiores empresas de mídia externa do Brasil. A empresa possui mais de setenta mil painéis apresentados nas dezoito das maiores cidades do Brasil. A empresa opera em lojas de móveis urbanos, aeroportos, shoppings, edifícios residenciais e comerciais e muito mais. Alcançando mais de 29 milhões de pessoas todos os dias, a empresa deixou sua marca usando dados e criatividade para desenvolver soluções inovadoras de display e iluminação sob medida para grandes eventos.

A Eletromidia entrega projetos sob medida que estão longe do convencional, fornecendo às massas serviços úteis e gratuitos, como Wi-Fi e recarga de telefones. A empresa se dedica a oferecer soluções de publicidade inovadoras por meio de painéis digitais e estáticos em locais internos e externos com muito tráfego.


Wolf Productions

A Wolf Productions, fundada em 2017 e sediada na vibrante cidade de São Paulo, é mais um concorrente promissor nesta lista de fornecedores de painéis de LED no Brasil. A empresa é especializada em painéis LED P3 e iluminação em geral. Seu foco principal é fornecer soluções de display e iluminação LED para eventos e shows.

A Wold Productions oferece uma gama impressionante de produtos avançados, acompanhados por uma equipe altamente técnica que atende e não faz distinção entre eventos de pequeno, médio e grande porte. Sua principal missão, em geral, é fornecer aos clientes de todas as esferas da vida as soluções da melhor qualidade para os eventos que realizam. A empresa está equipada com uma linha completa de equipamentos de iluminação, bem como painéis de LED, pois investe apenas nos produtos mais recentes.


A LedWave, fundada em 2008, é conhecida por ser uma das empresas de tecnologia LED mais dominantes e importantes do Brasil. LedWave oferece serviços de aluguel de painel de exibição que são mais adequados para cobrir palestras, feiras, convenções, bem como seminários, transmissões ao vivo, diferentes tipos de cerimônias, concertos, fundos de DJing e muito mais. A LedWave obteve muito sucesso no fornecimento de diferentes tipos de painéis LED para palcos a grandes organizações. Eles se dedicam a oferecer aos clientes os melhores serviços possíveis que podem oferecer.


Crailed, há quinze anos, se especializou em soluções visuais eletrônicas realizando diversos projetos no Brasil e no exterior. Eles estão entre as maiores empresas que lidam com produtos de display LED (Brasil), assumindo a liderança de mercado ao fornecer suas soluções para grandes organizações em segmentos diversos e impressionantes. A Crailed promete entrega de alta qualidade e os mais avançados produtos acompanhados por uma equipe altamente profissional para realizar as instalações e manutenções.

A empresa abriga mais de duzentos funcionários comprometidos com o desenvolvimento de projetos. Tarefas como a seleção de produtos de qualidade, instalação, treinamento, gerenciamento, manutenção de painéis, especificações técnicas, suporte (seja no local ou fora dele) e criação de conteúdo estão sob seu controle.

Além de tudo isso, sua nova sede foi desenvolvida especificamente para incluir seu grande estoque de mais de quatro mil metros quadrados de switchers, painéis de LED, moderno laboratório de manutenção, racks de gerenciamento e processamento, sala de monitoramento remoto, departamentos técnicos e de engenharia, demonstração de produtos e muito mais.

LED 10

A LED 10 está em operação desde 2008. É uma das empresas de maior destaque na indústria de painéis de LED nacional e internacionalmente. A empresa é conhecida por seus painéis de LED para alugar para edifícios comerciais como postos de gasolina, lojas de departamentos, concessionárias de automóveis, organizações imobiliárias, shows, feiras e eventos de pequeno, médio ou grande porte.

A empresa valoriza ideologias como comprometimento, eficiência, agilidade, ética etc. Eles oferecem tecnologia de ponta na forma de painéis de LED de alta resolução. Eles também oferecem consultoria técnica para clientes que precisam de alguma orientação com projetos internos ou externos. Gozando de um amplo portfólio geral, o LED 10 fornece consultas, instalações e manutenção para a maioria dos tipos de indústrias, como comercial, propaganda e entretenimento. A missão do LED 10 é ajudar os clientes a agregar valor às suas marcas, oferecendo-lhes soluções engenhosas. Eles também desejam tornar as soluções de display eletrônico lucrativas no Brasil.

LED Poster Display

Ultimate Guide to LED Poster Display


What is an LED Poster Display?

An LED poster display is a type of electronic display that uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to display information or advertisements. These displays are often used in public spaces, such as storefronts, malls, and airports, to attract the attention of passersby and display information or promotional content.

An LED poster display has many advantages over traditional printed posters, such as:

  • Higher brightness and contrast, making the content more visible and eye-catching
  • Lower power consumption and longer lifespan, saving energy and maintenance costs
  • Dynamic and flexible content, allowing for easy updates and changes
  • Interactive and engaging features, such as touch screen, motion sensor, and sound
  • Multiple installation options, such as floor standing, wall mounting, and hanging.
led poster display indoor

Smart Cloud Management

Poster LED Display supports both synchronous & asynchronous control system, and the contents can be updated via iPad, Phone or Notebook. Real-time play, cross-platform information delivering, USB or WIFI supporting and IOS or Android multi-devices. Besides, it can support the built-in media player to store and play videos and images in all formats.
Intelligent-Control-By-PC-Smart-Phone-or-USB copy
led poster indoor<br />

SMD LED Poster

gob led poster


transparent led poster

Transparent LED Poster

indoor SMD LED Poster

standing and foot supported led posters

1920x640mm LED Poster

2m by 1m led poster

1920×960 LED Poster

GOB LED Poster

GOB Tech. protect the SMD LEDs
Glue on Board technology, the LED surface is covered by glue that can protect from dust, water (IP65 Waterproof), and attack.HOB light board protection functions make it moisture-proof in humid regions and prevent it from falling over in crowded places.

gob led poster display

Transparent LED Poster

  • P2.6-5.2 LED transparent Poster is a transparent LED screen that can be applied to different scenarios.
  • It can be quickly installed and used, and the content can be controlled by a mobile phone.
  • It perfectly realizes the integration of screen and building, and integrates media functions into the building without damaging the appearance of the building.
  • With a transparent display, HD pixel, seamless screen, energy saving, and environmental protection features.

* Display Area: Width 1000mm, Height 2000mm
* Note: The display area can be customized multiple of 500mm
* Pixel Pitch: 2.6-5.2 mm
* Brightness: >2000 (cd/m²)
* Indoor use
* Voltage: 100-240VAC

transparent led poster copy

How to Use an LED Poster Display?

An LED poster display can be used for various purposes and applications, such as:

  • Advertising and promotion: An LED poster display can display attractive and informative ads and promotions for products, services, events, and brands. It can also display social media feeds, customer reviews, and QR codes to increase engagement and conversion.
  • Information and communication: An LED poster display can display useful and timely information and communication for the public, such as news, weather, traffic, schedules, announcements, and alerts. It can also display interactive maps, directories, and menus to guide and assist the visitors.
  • Entertainment and education: An LED poster display can display entertaining and educational content for the audience, such as movies, videos, games, and quizzes. It can also display artistic and cultural content, such as photos, paintings, and poems, to inspire and enrich the audience.

Ultimate Guide to LED Display Flight Case

LED Display Flight Case

ATA Cases, also known as Road Cases, Flight Cases, and Anvil™ Cases are used for the storing and transportation of high-value items, or items that need to travel hundreds of times throughout their life. Some of our customers that use cases are sports teams, rock bands, tech, and trade show companies, as well as musical and scientific instrument manufacturers and aerospace and space exploration companies. A flight case can be small enough for a handheld drone or large enough for a rocket nozzle.

event LED Display flight case

Video Processor Flight Case

Video processor Flight case give a overall protection to the video processor. A simple suicase design,carried like a bag. customized for Novastar LED Processor; Linsn Video processor.

led display<br />
video controller flight case
led display video processor flight case copy
LED video processor suitcase

The key benefits of using flight cases include:

  • Protection: Road cases help protect items from physical damage, shock, vibration and moisture.
  • Durability: Road cases are designed to withstand a lot of wear and tear and often have a long lifespan.
  • Versatility: Road cases can be customized to fit a variety of items and are available in a range of sizes, shapes and materials.
  • Convenience: Road cases are easy to transport and often feature wheels, handles and other built-in features that make them easier to move.
  • Security: Many road cases include locks, straps, buckles and other security features to help protect items from theft or loss.

How to Choose  Flight Case for Display Screen

The most popular materials used in road cases include aluminum, plywood and plastic.

The most common are the durable and handsomely covered ABS laminated black wooden road cases with aluminum tongue-in-groove edges, recessed steel handles, and heavy-duty steel ball corners. Depending on what the road case is intended to house, the interior can be felt, carpet, bare wood, or custom cut foam inserts.

  • Aluminum is strong, lightweight, and corrosion-resistant making it a great choice for protecting delicate equipment.but the cost is usually more.

Plywoode Flight case

Plywood offers strength and durability,Wood is a lightweight and affordable material that offers strength, durability, and protection.For long-term cases that must withstand physical stresses such as drops and sudden jolts, solid materials such as plywood or aluminum are an ideal choice due to their durability. 

Hexagrip board

Hexagrip is a high-quality plywood panel with a black phenolic film on both sides. One side has a hexagonal texture that makes it resistant to slipping and scuffing. The other side is smooth and easy to clean. The plywood base is made of thin layers of birch veneers that are glued together. This makes the panel stiff and flat, but not brittle. The thickness of a typical 9 layer (3/8”) panel is very precise, less than 0.03 inches. The phenolic film is not only attractive, but also durable. It can withstand impacts, scratches, marring, grease and fingerprints. It is also bonded to the plywood base with a chemical process, so it will not peel off or bubble under heat or sun exposure.

flight case Hexagrip led display rental

High Pressure Laminated Board

HPL  panels consist of a single-sided plastic sheet glued/laminated to varied quality and ply ACX softwood plywood or solid-core hardwood (luann or meranti) substrate. Unlike the phenolic coating of Hexagrip, the bond of the plastic coating on ABS laminate varies in quality based on the manufacturing process of the composite panel. ABS panels are only as good as the quality of the plywood, glue bond, and your ability to keep them out of the sun. Frequently, case manufacturers will stock several different qualities of ABS laminate in varying thicknesses, based on their price point, and availability.

Plastic Flight Case

Plastic provides flexibility with features such as latches, handles and locks, if a lightweight and portable solution is desired, plastic may be preferred over more heavy metals or composite boards. Plastic also has better waterproof ability but working under high temperature will be a big chalenge 

plastic led display flight case road case copy

Flight Case Key components

Flight Case Corners

Flight case corners are essential to protect cases from damage, especially as impact points on most cases are the corners. Corners are most commonly made from heavy-duty steel but also come in plastic. Ball corners provide greater impact protection, but case corners come in a large range of sizes and shapes.

led display flight case ball corner copy

Road case handles

flight Case Hangles are important for moving your case around easily and safely. There are different kinds of handles for different purposes. Some handles are recessed, which means they fit into a hole in the case and don’t stick out. This protects them from getting damaged by bumps or scratches. Other handles are surface or strap handles, which are attached to the outside of the case. These are usually used for smaller cases like briefcases or guitar cases. Some handles are pull out handles, which can extend and retract like a suitcase handle. These are good for heavy cases that need to be rolled on wheels. Some handles are corner handles, which are placed on the corner or edge of the case. These give you a better grip on the case.

led display flight case handles

Flight Case Laches

Latches are the parts that let you open and close your road case.

There are many kinds of latches for different needs and preferences. Some latches have locks or padlocks to keep your case secure.Some latches are recessed, which means they are inside a hole in the case and have a dish around them. This helps them avoid getting hit or scratched when you move the case. Other kinds of latches are surface latches, slam latches, overlatches and small latches for briefcases or drawers.

led display flight case latches

Flight case Wheel/Castors

Castors are the parts that let you move your road case easily, especially if it is heavy. Castors or wheels can turn in any direction, so you can steer your case where you want.

Road case castors are made of strong materials like steel or zinc with rubber wheels. They can last for a long time and handle rough surfaces.

Castors come in different sizes and some have brakes to stop your case from rolling away. Some castors also have a special feature that makes them align with each other when you stack your cases. This makes your cases more stable and saves space.

Usually, castors are attached to the bottom of the case, but you can also put them on the corner of the case with special castors made for that.

led display flight case wheels

Flight case Foam

Road Case Foam and carpet are the materials that keep your case contents safe and secure. They act like a cushion that wraps around and pads the item or items inside the case.

There are different types of foam and carpet for road cases. Foam can be cut with a CNC machine to make the perfect shape for the item you want to transport. This way, the item won’t move or shake when you move the case.

Carpet gives a soft and smooth lining inside the case. It also makes the case look more professional and neat. You can choose from many kinds of carpet materials and colours to suit your needs.

led display flight case foam

Swimming Pool LED Display

How LED Display Can Enhance Your Swimming Pool Experience

If you own or manage a swimming pool, you might be wondering how to make it more attractive and functional for your customers. One of the ways to do that is to install LED display solutions that can provide various benefits for both the pool users and the operators. In this blog, I will introduce some of the LED display products that are suitable for swimming pools and explain how they can improve your swimming pool experience

led display installed in pool
swimming pool led screen waterproof

Scoreboards and Timers

One of the most common uses of LED displays in swimming pools is to show the scores and timings of aquatic sports such as swimming, water polo, diving, and synchronized swimming. These displays can help the athletes, coaches, referees, and spectators to keep track of the performance and results of the competitions. They can also create a more exciting and engaging atmosphere for the events.

There are different types of scoreboards and timers that can be customized according to the needs and preferences of the pool operators. For example, [Bodet Sport] offers various products for displaying scores, time, temperature, and other information for aquatic sports. They also provide LED video screens for animating competitions and promoting sponsors. Their products are designed to withstand the humid environment of aquatic centres.

Temperature and Humidity Displays

Another use of LED display in swimming pools is to show the temperature and humidity levels of the pool water and the air. These displays can help the pool users to choose the most comfortable pool for their needs and preferences. They can also help the pool operators to monitor and adjust the temperature and humidity settings to ensure optimal conditions for the pool users.

There are different solutions for displaying temperature and humidity information in swimming pools. For example, [Bodet Time] offers a solution consisting of LED display facing the pool and LCD screens for public areas. It displays information such as pool temperature, air temperature, time, humidity, chlorine level, and pH.

Other Benefits of LED Display

Besides showing scores, timings, temperature, and humidity, LED display can also provide other benefits for swimming pools. For example, LED display can:

  • Enhance the aesthetic appeal of the pool by creating colorful and dynamic lighting effects.
  • Increase the safety of the pool by showing warning messages or emergency alerts.
  • Promote the brand image and reputation of the pool by showing logos, slogans, or testimonials.
  • Generate additional revenue for the pool by showing advertisements or sponsorships.

Create unforgettable experiences for your loyal customers. Our outdoor Pool LED TV displays will transform your home or establishment and make it the place for watch parties!


LED display is a versatile and powerful tool that can enhance your swimming pool experience in many ways. It can provide useful information, create a lively atmosphere, improve the comfort and safety of the pool users, and boost the profitability of the pool operators. If you are interested in installing LED display solutions for your swimming pool, you can contact some of the reputable providers such as [Bodet Sport] or [Bodet Time] to find out more about their products and services.


aluminum outdoor led
outdoor high brightness led display
super high brigthness outdoor led modules

Fine pitch LED Displays White Paper

fine-pitch-led-displays-industry Overview

According to the industry research center, the global LED display market size in 2019 reached RMB 45.2 billion (USD 6.55 billion), out of which fine-pitch (2.5mm or below) products accounted for RMB 17.3 billion (USD 2.5 billion) or 38.23%. Due to COVID-19, it is estimated that the global sales volume of LED displays in 2020 decreased by 8% landing at RMB 41.6 (USD 6.45 billion), and global fine-pitch display sales volume went down by 5%.

global led display market sclae 2019-2025

Export data from China Customs shows that the global LED display market began to recover in June 2020. Despite uncertainties in COVID-19 pandemic control, the global LED display market demonstrated confidence in post-pandemic business recovery. 2021 is expected to be back on track with fine-pitch displays making solid progress, especially in the sub-1.5mm segment. Industry forecast shows that the annual compound growth rate from 2021 to 2025 will be more than 21%, and by 2025, the global LED display market size will reach RMB 100 billion (USD 15.5 billion). Most importantly, the market share of the fine-pitch segment will be increased from 38% to 56%, outweighing traditional larger-pitch LED displays.




 Fine-pitch led display market segments overview

Fine-pitch products are mainly used in four market categories: professional display, commercial display, public display, and civil (residential) display, which respectively account for 35.84%, 53.76%, 8.67%, and 1.16% in 2019. Professional and commercial displays are still the dominant fine-pitch product applications. Though still in the early stages of development, civil (residential) display applications such as large-size TVs have great potential as the price comes down.

fine pixel pitch applicaitons

In addition to replacing DLP in its existing market, commercial applications, led by boardrooms, meeting and conference rooms, and education facilities with a video wall size larger than 100 inches, are responsible for the market incremental of fine-pitch LED displays.

Another interesting segment fine-pitch displays are exploring is the cinema market. There are already reference cases for fine-pitch LED displays used in cinemas. Whether ifs an appropriate option will be determined after the COVID-19 pandemic. Consumer-grade, large-size LED TVs are another potential segment for fine-pitch. This may be the breakthrough point for fine-pitch LED displays to enter the civil (residential) market.

Major fine-pitch display model and export volume overview.

Currently, typical fine-pitch models are 0.9mm, 1.2mm, 1.5mm, 1.8mm, and 2.5mm. Based on export data from China Customs, the percentage of each product model’s volume in the total fine-pitch export volume is listed below:

Global Fine-pitch LED Display Export Volume Analysis

Obviously, finer-pitch models’ volumes are increasing with 1.2mm and 1.5mm sitting in the sweet spots. 2020 was hoped to be the beginning year of explosive growth for sub-1 mm products led by 0.9mm, however, the COVID-19 pandemic interrupted the development pace of the world economy and consequently delayed the progress of sub-1 mm products. It is industry consensus that in the next three years-2021 to 2023-the top three best-selling models will be 1.2mm, 0.9mm, and 1.5mm.

Download fine-pitch-led-displays-white-paper

white paper fine pixel pitch

Transparent LED Film Display

Adhesive Transparent LED Film Screen

Visionpi Transparent Display Film (also known as flexible LED transparent displays or soft LED transparent displays) is mainly composed of ultra-low resistance fine circuit boards, high-brightness advanced MiniLED chips, and optical-grade encapsulation materials. The ultra-low resistance fine circuit board, combined with a self-developed built-in chip, ensures high transparency and stable operation. The film offers over 95% transparency and can be freely rolled, making it suitable for creative LED displays such as curved screens, wave screens, and cylindrical screens. It can be easily attached to glass surfaces for quick and simple installation. It is also customizable in various forms, such as laminated glass or hollow glass, depending on specific application needs.

transparent led film adhesive display

 Transparent LED Film Applications

 The product is suitable for large commercial building glass facades, indoor commercial spaces, smart offices, smart homes, transportation vehicles, and more. Based on the viewing distance and display requirements of customers, different pixel pitches and product formats can be selected to achieve the best display effect.

adhisive transparent window led film display applications
transparent led film for bus window vehicle

Bus Transparent LED Film 

The vehicle flexible Transparent LED film is an innovative display solution designed specifically for car windows, offering high transparency and low power consumption. Its ultra-slim and lightweight design ensures that it seamlessly integrates with vehicle aesthetics without adding bulk or hindering visibility. The high transparency of the film allows for clear views through the windows when not in use, making it a perfect fit for dynamic vehicle displays that do not compromise safety or driving experience.

Its flexibility allows for easy installation on curved or irregular surfaces, such as car windshields and side windows, while the low energy consumption ensures minimal impact on the vehicle’s power system. This makes it an ideal solution for automotive advertising, smart car displays, and personalized vehicle designs, offering a futuristic, eye-catching, and energy-efficient way to display content on the go.

Transparent LED Film Features

1.High Transparency with Invisible Circuit Design 

Solves the issue of visible electrodes and low transparency. Surface resistance is well below 0.005Ω..

high transparency led film display copy

2.Full Color Display and High Resolution

Our cutting-edge transparent display supports 16-bit color depth, ensuring stunningly rich and vibrant colors with a wide color gamut. With P3 resolution, this product delivers exceptional clarity and color accuracy, making it ideal for applications requiring high visual impact. The 16-bit color depth enhances the overall visual experience by allowing for smoother gradients and finer details in both indoor and outdoor environments. Perfect for retail, commercial, and architectural projects, the transparent display seamlessly integrates with glass surfaces, maintaining high transparency while providing high-quality, dynamic content.

transparent led film high resolution

3.Self-Adhesive Film and Ultra-Lightweight Structure

The transparent led film No need for laminated glass. Can be easily applied to any surface.

super thin transparent led film display copy

4.Superior Flexibility and Scalability

The LED film offers superior flexibility and scalability, designed to bend effortlessly without any limitations on splicing size. This feature enables it to conform to various curved or irregular surfaces, ensuring seamless integration across expansive or uniquely shaped installations. Whether used for small, intricate designs or large, continuous displays, the LED film can be tailored to fit any environment without compromising on image quality or structural integrity.

Its modular nature allows for endless possibilities in scaling up or down, making it ideal for a wide range of applications—from small, creative installations to massive immersive digital displays. This adaptability ensures that the LED film can meet the evolving demands of clients in fields such as architecture, retail, entertainment, and digital art, providing a cutting-edge solution for innovative, flexible display needs.

adhisive transparent led film

5.Curved Surface Compatibility (Supports 5cm Curvature Radius)

This makes it ideal for installations on curved or irregular surfaces, ensuring a smooth and seamless display even in challenging environments. Additionally, the design allows the product to be rolled up, making it highly portable and easy to carry, perfect for applications where mobility and quick setup are essential. Its lightweight, durable materials ensure that it can withstand repeated use without compromising performance or display quality. This versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of creative installations, such as retail, exhibitions, and events.

cob transparent led film

6.Touchable Transparent LED Film.

Overcomes the limitation of using infrared touch systems on LED screens,Our transparent LED film integrates touch functionality, combining high transparency with interactive capabilities. This advanced design enables dynamic, touch-responsive displays on glass surfaces, perfect for immersive advertising, retail displays, and interactive installations.

touchable transparent led film

7.Waterproof with Submersible Display Capability

The Outdoor Transparent LED Film display is engineered to withstand extreme conditions, offering both waterproof and submersible capabilities, making it suitable for underwater demonstrations and environments with high moisture levels. It is not only waterproof but also explosion-proof, ensuring safety and reliability in hazardous or challenging settings. The display has successfully passed rigorous reliability testing, including exposure to temperatures of 85°C and 85% humidity, as well as enduring 1000 hours of saltwater exposure without degradation in performance or image quality.

These features make it ideal for applications in marine environments, outdoor advertising, aquatic shows, and industrial settings where durability and resistance to harsh conditions are crucial. The robust design ensures that it can operate seamlessly underwater or in environments prone to extreme humidity, providing dependable performance in even the most demanding scenarios.

transparent led film display

8.Impressive Visual Experience

Supports dual-sided transparent display and 3D display capabilities

cinema transparent led film on window

Transparent LED Film Installation Steps:

  • Tool Preparation

1.Glass cleaning: diluted detergent solution, pressure sprayer, glass scraper

2.Film application: wall-mounting solution, measuring tape, utility knife, lint-free cloth, squeegee, protective film, marking pen

  • Glass Cleaning

1.Measure and confirm the glass dimensions.

2.Spray diluted detergent on the glass and scrape it clean, ensuring it is free of dirt and adhesive.

3.Apply a protective film to prevent dust from settling on the glass.

  • Film Installation
  • 1.Mark the position for the film on the protective layer. For multiple films, install from top to bottom.

2.Apply the wall-mounting solution on the glass surface or product.

3.Position the LED film, fix the upper section, and use a squeegee to remove air bubbles while continuing to apply the solution.

4.Ensure proper alignment and bubble removal.

5.After the solution sets (approximately 24 hours), remove the protective layer from the LED film.

6.Complete wiring and perform system testing.

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