To learn what pixel pitch is and why it matters, you first have to know what a pixel is. You may think you already know what a pixel is, but a lot of people find out there’s more to the “pixel” than they originally thought. A pixel is a cluster of colored light sources, and this cluster almost always contains at least one red, green, and blue light source

Many people mistakingly think that each little “light” or diode is a pixel. The full pixel is the entire cluster of the red, green, and blue lights. Pixels can be in a triangle pattern as seen here:

led pixel pitch

Pixels can also be very tightly arranged in a small SMD’s. SMD stands for Surface Mount Diode. Each little SMD you see in this picture has very tiny red, green, and blue light sources inside each one. SMD’s are now almost universally used for new high resolution LED screens.

high quality nationstar smd 3535 2727 

Now that you know what a pixel is, let’s talk about why it matters.  Pixel pitch is the distance from one pixel to the next pixel beside it, above it, and below it. So, if your entire LED wall is said to have a 10mm pixel pitch, then that means there is 10mm of space from the center of one pixel (red, green, blue diode cluster) to the center of it’s neighboring pixel. Which, in quick American conversion, is 3/8 of an inch. As you can imagine, the smaller the pixel pitch, the tighter the resolution or the closer you can be to the screen before you can make out individual diodes in the image.

Now that you know what  pixel pitch is, here’s quick way to start thinking about what pixel pitch would be right for your LED screen. Take the distance that your closest audience will be from the screen, in feet, remembering to account for height distance as well, then half that number and that should give you a good estimate of the pixel pitch range you should be looking at. For example, if your closest viewer is going to be 20 feet away from the screen, then you should be looking in the 10mm or lower set of products to ensure that even the closest audience member will see a nice, clean, blended picture with little to no pixelation. Remember, all you have to do is half the distance in feet from your closest viewer and that’s your ideal pixel pitch. If your closest viewer will get no closer than 40 feet from your video wall, you can even use 16mm or 20mm pixel pitch and still get a great looking picture.

Side-emitting and Front-emitting Transparent Display

Comparison For Side&front emitting LED Transparent Screens

 Side-emitting LED: It is a solution adopted by some professional transparent screen manufacturers to adopt Side-emitting LED lamp beads specially tailored for LED transparent screens. It is characterized by high permeability, less structural span, and good aesthetics, and is conducive to large-scale standardized production of LED screen factories.

front emitting transparent display
transparent led display wide viewing angle
front -emitting transparent led display


side-emitting transparent led display


 Front-emitting LED: Most transparent screen manufacturers use the conventional package lamp beads in the market. The screen’s permeability is relatively low, the price is low, and the structural span is more, which affects the aesthetics.

 Transparency Rate

Due to the different placement of the lamp bead, the thickness of the lamp strip of the Front-emitting LED transparent screen must be larger than the size of the lamp bead, while the placement and space of the Side-emitting LED lamp bead are less limited. Because the light bar itself blocks the light, the permeability of the Side-emitting LED transparent screen is better than that of the Front-emitting LED screen. This is the most obvious advantage of the Side-emitting LED transparent screen.

SIde-emitting transparency of transparent led

Anti-Impact Ability

Because the bead is placed in different places, the two screens differ in their ability to prevent collisions. Under the impact of external forces, the Front-emitting LED will directly receive the impact of external forces, and the Side-emitting will not be directly stressed.

front emitting Anti collision
side emitting transparent display anti collision

Viewing Angle

 Viewing angle: side-emitting led :over 160° front-emitting led 120°

front emitting transparent display viewing angle
transparent led display wide viewing angle

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